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Virtual Transmission Group Calls

A sacred virtual space coming together with Raphael and Jelelle Awen to explore and share about cutting edge topics and themes with teachings and meditation...recoding, feeling, getting a new experience of soul family connection range of expression from laughter to tears


Raphael and Jelelle Awen host monthly virtual transmission circles over Zoom for men and women to provide a transmission of 5D self coming into the body, awakened frequencies to you. You can receive these frequencies live with them or purchase the recording afterwards.


If you attend the live circles, you'll have the opportunity to share with Raphael and Jelelle what you experienced during the transmission and receive feedback/next steps of integration from her. The focus of these circles is provide a bridge to the SoulFullHeart consciousness through transmitting to you an embodied frequency of sacred human connection that is seated in the heart and maturing emotional body.


These circles serve as activations of your next levels in the ascension process, whatever that is for you personally. They are empowering and self activating, in the sense that YOU are the source of activation for yourself and Jelelle and Raphael serve as a bridge to feel/experience this. You also get to experience soul family resonance connection with souls from all over the world during the circles, connecting with others on the awakening journey.


Recent Transmission Group Call

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Inner Sacred Union Transmission Circle/Group Call

for men and women

Sunday, April 7th, 2024 

recording by donation



Inner sacred union is the ongoing healing and clearing of polarized and toxic relationships within you between masculine aspects and feminine aspects. This allows for deepenings and openings in the experience of inner sacred union, unplugging from parental relationship templates/previous relationship partner dynamics and Matrix relational programming that may have been internalized. This inner sacred union healing ground then draws (and allows for transaction within) a nourishing sacred union with a beloved mate on the outside.

In this two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, April 7th, Divine Self Embodiment Teachers/Facilitators/Sacred Union Mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen offer an exploration into inner sacred union.

During this call, we shared about:

- our own personal journeys and process of healing and opening out our inner sacred union expressions both together as a couple and individually.

- We also offer how the Divine Self Embodiment healing process of conscious access to the Divine plus parts of yourself and other lifetime aspects/soul dynamics allows for a deeper embodiment of your inner sacred union as it allows a bridge to your inner masculines parts such as Inner Protector, Gatekeeper and Inner Punisher…and your inner feminine parts (younger such as Inner Child/Teenager to Inner Mother/Crone) as well.

​In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we played our 432HZ quartz crystal bowls and offered a guided meditation to connect with your inner sacred union aspects (masculine and feminine within) at a bonfire together during the eclipse and then bridge to a higher dimensional bridal chamber together with Divine codes inviting in your Divine Union counterpart mate to come in as well. 

Raphael channeled from his sacred masculine mate heart and Jelelle from her sacred feminine mate heart any messages/guidance/codes of support that flowed through them for you. We also repeated affirmations/recodings as a group that provide a new coding of inner sacred union experience within you and with your mate.

Here is an inner sacred union guided meditation video from Raphael and Jelelle’s Deepen 2022 video series which we recommend watching prior to the call:

This group call is part of our ongoing Sacred Union w/self, others and the Divine virtual transmission group call series with transmission calls being offered every two weeks on Sundays until the end of June. We will then expand and deepen this in an inner sacred union group call for women on April 21st with Raianna and Jelelle...focusing on the specific processes and experiences for women. It feels like this will allow some polarities to heal between the genders as well and new codings to come in. More info about the series at

We recommend reading/listening to Jelelle’s Free To Be 5D book as a support for this group call. If you donate to attend/receive the recording of this circle, we will send you a free PDF, plus the audio book files in Jelelle's voice, to take in as a support for it.

You can receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give (11 Euros/USD is the amount people usually offer us).

You can offer your donation for the recording in one of four ways:

1. Our preferred payment platform is Wise if you have that or would like to sign up. It's instant, zero fee to transfer money between members. There’s a doc here with some guidance and more info if you'd like to sign up. Include your email if using wise:

2. If you are Canadian, you can use Interac e-transfer. Our email for transfers is and account is under Marvin Vriend. It’s also instant and without service fees to sender or receiver.

3. via our shop at using stripe (Credit/debit)

4. Paypal at (include your email)

Previous Group Calls (With Recordings Available)

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Sexuality is such a charged much has been hijacked of our sexual energy by Matrix energies, by False God suppression, by toxic societal and parental templating, by blocked energy flow, by False light distortions, by ancestral woundings.

There is so much to purify and digest of our sexual experiences, especially if there was abuse, non-consensual interactions, inappropriate frequencies, dominance and neglect...even just non-vulnerability. The purity arises in our sexuality from the healing of these experiences and the shame created by them with parts of us and soul aspects so that our innocence can blend in (re-virgination experiences) with the maturing soul sexuality frequencies that want to express.

In this two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, March 3rd SoulFullHeart Sacred Union Teachers/Facilitators/Mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen offer an exploration into sacred sexuality for those currently in relationship, those in separation from their mate, and those who are single.

During this call, we shared about:

- our own personal journeys and process of healing and opening out our sacred sexuality expression both together as a couple and individually.

- We also offered how the SoulFullHeart healing process of conscious access to parts of yourself and other lifetime aspects/soul dynamics allows for a deeper embodiment of your sexual energy as it heals from shame programs, moves beyond physical 3D expression, and expands into your light body.

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we played our 432HZ quartz crystal bowls and created a bridge to a sexuality ‘room’ for you that holds a memory or experience from your past that needs love and attention, plus the part of you who is in that room. We also opened up a bridge for you to connect to the Divine’s garden space with healing pools for cleansing and arising into your sexually energized light body to create a template for you of your sacred sexuality expression.

Divine guides and sacred union mates Yeshua and Mary Magdalene joined us to hold a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration and offered inspiring messages of support.

This healing your sacred sexuality circle is part of our ongoing Sacred Union w/self, others and the Divine virtual transmission circle series being offered until the end of June. More info about the series at

We recommend reading/listening to Jelelle’s Free To Be 5D book as a support for this circle. If you donate to attend/receive the recording of this circle, we will send you a free PDF, plus the audio book files in Jelelle's voice, to take in as a support for it.

You can receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give (11 Euros/USD is the amount people usually offer us).

You can offer your donation for the call in one of four ways:

1. Our preferred payment platform is Wise if you have that or would like to sign up. It's instant, zero fee to transfer money between members. There’s a doc here with some guidance and more info if you'd like to sign up. Include your email if using wise:

2. If you are Canadian, you can use Interac e-transfer. Our email for transfers is and account is under Marvin Vriend. It’s also instant and without service fees to sender or receiver.

3. via our shop at using stripe (Credit/debit)

4. Paypal at (include your email)

Healing Your Sacred Sexuality Transmission Circle

for men and women

Sunday, March 3rd, 2024 

Recording by donation



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Sacred Union Transmission Circle

for men and women

Sunday, February 4th, 2024  

Recording by donation



Sacred Union with a partner offers a frequency of Divine Self experience in the physical unlike any other and is a huge growth as well as service ground. Your partner mirrors both your leading edge of gifts/Divine essence and your trailing edge of wounds/pains/suffering/shadow. This unique combination offers a ground of healing and transformation that allows for multiple lifetime clearings in one lifetime. Both the goodness bliss of union and the karmic mess of separation are pushed up, illuminated, and offered.


Activating and embodying these Sacred Union codes within you allows you to see and feel beyond a fear of loneliness, or your heartaches in romance, to seeing your higher hearts calling to inhabit this sacred ground. Sacred Union frequencies begin from where you are right now, whether single or in a relationship, and take you into new places inside and out in perfect timing and flow. 


Many more Sacred Union counterparts/twins/pair bonds are coming together now in this Ascension timeline than ever before, as many of us signed up to be together in this life in the physical for service of the Divine and the Ascension process. The reunion of counterparts is a template for all souls of what is possible from within them and with the Divine as separation wounds are healed in unity. 


In this two-hour transmission circle for men and women on Sunday, February 4th, SoulFullHeart Teachers/Facilitators/Sacred Union Mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen offered a Sacred Union activation for those currently in relationship, those in separation from their mate, and those who are single.


We shared about:

- our own personal journeys and process of being in Sacred Union, both the bliss and mess of that experience and how we have navigated through it.

- how to identify, heal, and feel parts of you and their relationship to relationships

- how connecting with your Gatekeeper and soul aspects in other lifetimes allows for healing of karmic patterns/configurations that opens up sacred union within and with a mate

​In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we created a bridge to your Sacred Union relationship to feel it as it is currently transacting, either in current transaction with your mate, in separation, or from within you. You’ll be able to sense energies of resistance, fear, and pain that may be in the space and any parts of you that hold them.

We also opened up a bridge for you to connect your Divine Union Pairbond at the original higher dimensional source field with your mate (known or not), which offers an inspiring flood of love and reminder of union. Divine guides and sacred union mates Yeshua and Mary Magdalene joined us to hold a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration and offered inspiring transmissions of Infinite love and light. Raphael and Jelelle channeled from his sacred masculine mate heart and her sacred feminine mate heart any messages/guidance/codes of support that flowed through them for you. 


We played our 432HZ crystal sound bowls, offering healing Divine Union codes and frequencies in our toning/light language, and also repeated affirmations/I AM recodings as a group that provided a new coding within you and all of us together.


If you are currently in a sacred union relationship, this transmission supports you to deepen the intimacy within you and with your partner. It also bridges you to a new way to process your experience and get more space from any reactive patterns that are occurring.


If you are currently single or experiencing a pairbond in conscious separation (meaning you have met your mate yet aren’t in a relationship right now), this group call gives you a bigger context for which to digest sacred union. You also bring in new codes to help any suffering grounds that have been occurring around it.


We recommend reading/listening to Jelelle’s Free To Be 5D book as a support for this circle. If you purchase this circle, we will send you a free PDF, plus the audio book files in Jelelle's voice, to take in as a support for it. 

You can receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give (11 Euros/USD is the amount people usually offer us).


You can offer your donation for the call in one of four ways:


1. Our preferred payment platform is Wise if you have that or would like to sign up. It's instant, zero fee to transfer money between members. There’s a doc here with some guidance and more info if you'd like to sign up. Include your email if using wise:


2. If you are Canadian, you can use Interac e-transfer. Our email for transfers is and account is under Marvin Vriend. It’s also instant and without service fees to sender or receiver. 


3. via our shop at using stripe (Credit/debit)


4. Paypal at (include your email)

2024 New Year Intentions

 Group Call

for men and women

Sunday, January 7, 2024    

Recording by donation



Moving into a new year is an opportunity to bridge to a higher timeline of more nourishing relationship to our alchemy, our relationships with people, our soul purpose expression, self love, and more. Tuning into some of your deepest heart and soul felt intentions for 2024 creates a bridge from the inside out for their manifestation to occur.

Intentions are born and arise from desire, from ache, from even the sense of something ‘missing’, from dreams/visions, and from Divine guidance. Rather than being sourced from will power or a fix-it energy, intentions that are sourced from Divine love, your soul field, and your essence, when manifested, are in a much higher frequency of fulfillment, rather than overwhelm or frustration, or something you are in turn burdened with. 


2024 is an ‘8’ year and there is a feeling of more inner-outer balance, with more abundance in alignment with your soul, ease of manifestation, and increase in synchronicities and connections. Bridging to these 2024 frequencies allows for more alignment within you to let go of resistance, fear of change and open up to new possibilities. 8 is also the symbol for infinity and infinite love, offering us access to our unlimited and unbounded soul essence.

In this two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, January 7th, 2024 SoulFullHeart Teachers/Facilitators Raphael and Jelelle Awen offered an activation to connect you with the New Year energies of 2024 and your intentions for this year.

We shared about:

- what we are desiring to manifest and experience in 2024, both personally and as a couple

- how to identify, heal, and feel parts of you and their relationship to intentions for 2024

- how connecting with your Gatekeeper and soul aspects in other lifetimes allows for supported navigation and Divine support on a quantum level going into 2024

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we created a bridge to connect with the 2024 entry portal. This opens you up to receive whatever codes, messages, intentions and upgrades want to come to you during this time. We also played our 432HZ crystal sound bowls, offering healing frequencies in our toning/light language.

We then had sharings from some on the call on video and in the chat.


We recommend reading/listening to Jelelle’s Free To Be 5D book as a support for this call. If you purchase this call, we will send you a free PDF, plus the audio book files in Jelelle's voice, to take in as a support for the call. 

You can receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give (11 Euros/USD is the amount people usually offer us).

Digesting 2023 & Bridging To 2024

 Group Call

for men and women

Sunday, Dec 3rd  

recording by donation



2023 has been for many souls a year of diving inward, being in deep emotional and spiritual process, reflection, and awakening discoveries. Your external world may not have shifted as much during this last year. There may be a sense of growing dissatisfaction, uneasiness, and desire to see more of your external world reflect the growing richness of your internal one.

2023 was also a recovery year for many of us after the intensity of the C and V narratives of the previous years. There was more freedom and space for inner journeys and ease of travel (inside and out) allowing for more soul connections/reunions, and karmic clearings. As a 7 year, 2023 is considered more of a year for preparation and laying the foundation for the idealized life to come in terms of relationships, livelihood, geography and more. 


Bridging to 2024, there is a feeling of more inner-outer balance (being an 8 year), with more abundance in alignment with your soul, ease of manifestation, and increase in synchronicities and connections. Bridging to these 2024 frequencies allows for more alignment within you to let go of resistance, fear of change and open up to new possibilities. 8 is also the symbol for infinity and infinite love, offering us access to our unlimited and unbounded soul essence.


In this two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, December 3rd SoulFullHeart Teachers/Facilitators Raphael and Jelelle Awen offered an exploration into digesting 2023 for you and a bridge to 2024.


We shared about:

- our own journeys individually and as a couple through this last year, the biggest internal/external growth points, soul turns & lessons that we’ve learned during it and what we are desiring to manifest and experience in 2024 both personally and as a soul family

- the common inner explorations, realizations, shifts, parts/soul aspect dynamics that we have seen in ourselves and other awakening souls in our service work during 2023


In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we created a bridge to 2023 for you to connect with, feel and digest anything that comes up around it with the part of you who needs it. We then bridged to 2024 and invited you to feel the highest timeline possibility for this upcoming year, what you most want to experience during it, and connect you to that energy frequency.


Divine Father through Raphael's heart offered Divine will infusions for inspired action aligned with surrender. Divine Mother through mine supported and acknowledged how much had been held alone and was now ready to move into more resonant support and bonding on the outside. That it was time to come 'home' to your sacred human essence.

We then had touching sharings both on the chat and over video.


We recommend reading/listening to Jelelle’s Free To Be 5D book as a support for this call. If you purchase this call, we will send you a free PDF, plus the audio book files in Jelelle's voice, to take in as a support for the call. 


You can receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give (11 Euros/USD is the amount people usually offer us).


You can offer your donation for the call in one of four ways:


1. Our preferred payment platform is Wise if you have that or would like to sign up. It's instant, zero fee to transfer money between members. There’s a doc here with some guidance and more info if you'd like to sign up. Include your email if using wise:


2. If you are Canadian, you can use Interac e-transfer. Our email for transfers is and account is under Marvin Vriend. It’s also instant and without service fees to sender or receiver. 


3. via our shop at using stripe (Credit/debit)

4. Paypal at (include your email)


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