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Inner sacred union is the ongoing healing and clearing of polarized and toxic relationships within you between masculine aspects and feminine aspects. This allows for deepenings and openings in the experience of inner sacred union, unplugging from parental relationship templates/previous relationship partner dynamics and Matrix relational programming that may have been internalized. This inner sacred union healing ground then draws (and allows for transaction within) a nourishing sacred union with a beloved mate on the outside.

In this two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, April 7th, Divine Self Embodiment Teachers/Facilitators/Sacred Union Mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen offer an exploration into inner sacred union.

During this call, we shared about:

- our own personal journeys and process of healing and opening out our inner sacred union expressions both together as a couple and individually.

- We also offer how the Divine Self Embodiment healing process of conscious access to the Divine plus parts of yourself and other lifetime aspects/soul dynamics allows for a deeper embodiment of your inner sacred union as it allows a bridge to your inner masculines parts such as Inner Protector, Gatekeeper and Inner Punisher…and your inner feminine parts (younger such as Inner Child/Teenager to Inner Mother/Crone) as well.

​In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we played our 432HZ quartz crystal bowls and offered a guided meditation to connect with your inner sacred union aspects (masculine and feminine within) at a bonfire together during the eclipse and then bridge to a higher dimensional bridal chamber together with Divine codes inviting in your Divine Union counterpart mate to come in as well.

Raphael channeled from his sacred masculine mate heart and Jelelle from her sacred feminine mate heart any messages/guidance/codes of support that flowed through them for you. We also repeated affirmations/recodings as a group that provide a new coding of inner sacred union experience within you and with your mate.


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Inner Sacred Union Transmission Circle 4/7 W/Raphael & Jelelle

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