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Sacred Union with Self, Others, and the Divine

Virtual Event Series

Coming together into a virtual group circle space with all; with feel the healing energies of union as scared and polarized connections move into sacred and embodied ones with others, within and with the Divine  

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Are You Ready To Go Into Deeper Sacred Union With Yourself, Others, and the Divine?


Join us for a sacred union exploration virtual even series starting February 4th, 2024 

- Five transmission circles for men and women with Raphael and Jelelle Awen

- Five transmission circles for women with Jelelle and Kasha Rokshana



The Sacred Union Journey takes place from February 4th with virtual transmission circles about every two weeks until end of June

Receive the zoom link and recording of each circle by offering a donation for each of them individually below

(11 Euros is the usual amount per circle)

We are so excited and blessed to have you join us on this ongoing journey into deeper embodiment of Sacred Union within yourself, in your relationships and in your connection with the Divine. ​We are inspired to offer this virtual series of 15 circles this year due to the rich and full response to to our first Sacred Union virtual event series last year. 

Sacred Union has been a constant source of inspiration, growth, and challenge for us over the last 15 years of our relationship together, in community and with the Divine. We are experiencing a deepening initiation phase together with various guides, through connecting with our Pairbond/Divine Counterpart Source Field, and individually to expand more into deeper vulnerability, soul bigness and service expression.

We feel this phase of Ascension is offering a deepening in resonant relationship bonds to heal polarities and move into more unity within you, within a relationship, in friendships, with soul family/soul mates, and with the Divine as Beloved. Divine Mother especially is wanting us to share about the purpose of Sacred Union...both within and with a beloved reconcile our experience on this Earth Plane (esp 3D Matrix lifetimes) of separation, to heal the fear that is created from this separation of losing any goodness that may come to us, from the dark that sets in as we moved away from the light of the Divine, from the polarizations that are internalized within us.


All of that changes as we bridge to and connect with these wounds held by the parts of us who hold the energy and very reality of these memories, which aren’t just memories, but god-like ‘memes’ that await our reconciliation/transformation of them. Our wounds which we’ve largely been afraid of and avoidant of are now proving to be the very portals to our heart and soul awakening, guarded and even preserved by these lifetimes of fear, but which can now be bridged to and transmuted to enter the phase of reconciliation. 

​During the transmission circles, we will explore through teachings, guided meditation journey/sound healing transmissions and sharings from group participants about many pieces related to Sacred Union. We will explore sacred sexuality healing for men and women; the catalytic grounds of inner sacred union; womb healing circle for women; and embodying Divine Feminine in sacred union for women. We will complete the series with an exploration into the Divine AS beloved, feeling the difference between this and false god configurations/patterns/filters from other lifetimes for both women and men. 

​All of the circles will be held by, inspired by and supported by Mary Magdalene/Divine Mother and Yeshua/Divine Father....holding the space, beaming the possibilities of sacred union through their merged soul fields, light bodies, and heart codes for us to receive.

In each circle, we open up a field of higher consciousness receptivity to receive healing, love, and upgrades within you through powerful, efficient, and transformative guided meditations, a sound healing transmission through playing our 432HZ Crystal Sound Bowls and harmonious tones/singing/light language together. This creates a bridge from what you are learning/being stimulated by on a mental level into the emotional body and quantum soul field, where activation, transformation, and deeper healing become possible. 

Kasha Rokshana or Raianna Shai will be co-hosts for the women's transmission circles from the ‘womb room’ as we call it. 

You don't need to attend each circle in the series in order to come to the next as they are all stand alone. Although, the more that you attend or listen to, the deeper the experience can be.


We recommend reading/listening to Jelelle’s Free To Be 5D book as a support for this series. If you purchase a circle transmission, we will send you a free PDF of the book, plus the audio book files in Jelelle's voice, to take in as a support for it. 

Rather than charge a set fee or offer them as a 'package' for the whole series, we would rather that you choose the transmission circles that you are guided to and intentionally donate for them individually, offering an amount that feels good to you. You can receive the zoom link and recording of each circle individually by offering a donation via the instructions below.

I AM sacred union, YOU ARE sacred union, WE ARE sacred union.

Hope you can join us on this journey into the sacred grounds of union,

Much love!

Raphael and Jelelle Awen, Kasha Rokshana, and Raianna Shai

Here is the schedule of the group calls that we held through April with brief description below and links to read more plus offer donation for the recordings. 


Sunday, February 4 - Men and Women: Sacred Union W/Self, Others & The Divine W/Raphael & Jelelle

More info to purchase recording


Sunday, February 18 - Women: Sacred Union w/Self, Others & The Divine W/Jelelle & Kasha - More Info to purchase recording


Sunday, March 3 - Men and Women: Sacred Sexuality W/Raphael & Jelelle - more info to purchase recording

Sunday, March 17 - Women: Sacred Feminine Sexuality W/Jelelle & Kasha - more info to purchase recording 

Sunday, April 7 - Men and Women: Inner Sacred Union W/Raphael & Jelelle - more info to purchase recording



Information on offering donations:


You can receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give. 11 Euros/USD equivalent is the amount people usually offer us.


You can offer your donation for the group call in one of four ways:

1. Our preferred payment platform is Wise if you have that or would like to sign up. It's instant, zero fee to transfer money between members. There’s a doc here with some guidance and more info if you'd like to sign up. Include your email if using wise:


2. If you are Canadian, you can use Interac e-transfer. Our email for transfers is and account is under Marvin Vriend (birth name of Raphael). It’s also instant and no to minimal service fees to sender or receiver. 


3. via our shop at using stripe (Credit/debit)


4. Paypal at (include your email)

Then, following your donation, we will send you the recording via email. If you purchase via paypal or wise, please include your email in the note section.

Previous Transmission Group Calls

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Sacred Union with a partner offers a frequency of Divine Self experience in the physical unlike any other and is a huge growth as well as service ground. Your partner mirrors both your leading edge of gifts/Divine essence and your trailing edge of wounds/pains/suffering/shadow. This unique combination offers a ground of healing and transformation that allows for multiple lifetime clearings in one lifetime. Both the goodness bliss of union and the karmic mess of separation are pushed up, illuminated, and offered.


Activating and embodying these Sacred Union codes within you allows you to see and feel beyond a fear of loneliness, or your heartaches in romance, to seeing your higher hearts calling to inhabit this sacred ground. Sacred Union frequencies begin from where you are right now, whether single or in a relationship, and take you into new places inside and out in perfect timing and flow. 


Many more Sacred Union counterparts/twins/pair bonds are coming together now in this Ascension timeline than ever before, as many of us signed up to be together in this life in the physical for service of the Divine and the Ascension process. The reunion of counterparts is a template for all souls of what is possible from within them and with the Divine as separation wounds are healed in unity. 


In this two-hour transmission circle for men and women on Sunday, February 4th, SoulFullHeart Teachers/Facilitators/Sacred Union Mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen offered a Sacred Union activation for those currently in relationship, those in separation from their mate, and those who are single.


We shared about:

- our own personal journeys and process of being in Sacred Union, both the bliss and mess of that experience and how we have navigated through it.

- how to identify, heal, and feel parts of you and their relationship to relationships

- how connecting with your Gatekeeper and soul aspects in other lifetimes allows for healing of karmic patterns/configurations that opens up sacred union within and with a mate

​In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we created a bridge to your Sacred Union relationship to feel it as it is currently transacting, either in current transaction with your mate, in separation, or from within you. You’ll be able to sense energies of resistance, fear, and pain that may be in the space and any parts of you that hold them.

We also opened up a bridge for you to connect your Divine Union Pairbond at the original higher dimensional source field with your mate (known or not), which offers an inspiring flood of love and reminder of union. Divine guides and sacred union mates Yeshua and Mary Magdalene joined us to hold a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration and offered inspiring transmissions of Infinite love and light. Raphael and Jelelle channeled from his sacred masculine mate heart and her sacred feminine mate heart any messages/guidance/codes of support that flowed through them for you. 


We played our 432HZ crystal sound bowls, offering healing Divine Union codes and frequencies in our toning/light language, and also repeated affirmations/I AM recodings as a group that provided a new coding within you and all of us together.


If you are currently in a sacred union relationship, this transmission supports you to deepen the intimacy within you and with your partner. It also bridges you to a new way to process your experience and get more space from any reactive patterns that are occurring.


If you are currently single or experiencing a pairbond in conscious separation (meaning you have met your mate yet aren’t in a relationship right now), this group call gives you a bigger context for which to digest sacred union. You also bring in new codes to help any suffering grounds that have been occurring around it.

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The capacity for true and authentic sacred union exploring deep grounds of intimacy on ALL levels of physical, mental, spiritual and emotional connection is now more possible than ever before. For many souls, it is the main ground of exploration for which they grow, learn, and serve, so it isn’t just a desire fueled by fantasy, yet a soul’s knowing coming in that sacred union is the way for which it can continue to ascend. This growth happens both in phases of being single and during times of being claimed and claiming a mateship, as the inner sacred union ground is a powerful place of discovery, healing, and preparation for the outer experience of sacred union. 


In a two-hour women’s group call on Sunday, February 18, 2024,  Jelelle and Kasha explored sacred union from the feminine experience.

We shared about:

- our own personal journeys and process of being in Sacred Union, both the bliss and mess of that experience and how we have navigated through it.

- how to identify, heal, and feel parts of you and their relationship to relationships

​In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call with crystal sound bowls, we created a bridge to your inner feminine mate in her 'private chamber' so that you can feel, sense, and be with her desires and any pains she has about sacred union. And, also start a connection with the inner masculine who is protecting her. We also opened up a bridge for you to connect with your Divine Union Counterpart mate (known or not) in the moment in their higher-dimensional frequency within the bridal chamber. Yeshua and Mary Magdalene offered supportive messages/codes.We also repeated affirmations as a group that provide a new coding of sacred union experience within you and with your mate.

Sexuality is such a charged much has been hijacked of our sexual energy by Matrix energies, by False God suppression, by toxic societal and parental templating, by blocked energy flow, by False light distortions, by ancestral woundings.

There is so much to purify and digest of our sexual experiences, especially if there was abuse, non-consensual interactions, inappropriate frequencies, dominance and neglect...even just non-vulnerability. The purity arises in our sexuality from the healing of these experiences and the shame created by them with parts of us and soul aspects so that our innocence can blend in (re-virgination experiences) with the maturing soul sexuality frequencies that want to express.

In this two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, March 3rd SoulFullHeart Sacred Union Teachers/Facilitators/Mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen offer an exploration into sacred sexuality for those currently in relationship, those in separation from their mate, and those who are single.

During this call, we shared about:

- our own personal journeys and process of healing and opening out our sacred sexuality expression both together as a couple and individually.

- We also offered how the SoulFullHeart healing process of conscious access to parts of yourself and other lifetime aspects/soul dynamics allows for a deeper embodiment of your sexual energy as it heals from shame programs, moves beyond physical 3D expression, and expands into your light body.

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we played our 432HZ quartz crystal bowls and created a bridge to a sexuality ‘room’ for you that holds a memory or experience from your past that needs love and attention, plus the part of you who is in that room. We also opened up a bridge for you to connect to the Divine’s garden space with healing pools for cleansing and arising into your sexually energized light body to create a template for you of your sacred sexuality expression. Divine guides and sacred union mates Yeshua and Mary Magdalene joined us to hold a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration and offered inspiring messages of support.

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Sacred sexuality healing for the feminine is a multi-layered process to identify and feel how parts of you relate to your sexuality, desirability, sexual experiences, sexual templating from parents (esp same sex parent/Mother), sexual energy, yoni/womb. Also, it is an awareness of and connection to soul aspects in other timelines/lifetimes and how they have experienced sexuality, what the False God/False Light programming/conditioning is (from this life too), sexual abuse/rape situations.

Sacred sexual expression for women can often be underexpressed due to soul programming that it is sinful, suppressed by your Inner Protector/Masculine energies to keep you safe, parental templating, painful sex, ‘brother/sibling’ neutralizations in mateships, and more. Or, sacred sexual expression can be hijacked by Matrix energies into seductive frequencies, performance and false ego, sexuality without vulnerability, promiscuity, False Light/False Tantric practices, and more.  


In this two-hour group call for women on Sunday, March 16th Divine Self Embodiment Teachers/Facilitators Jelelle Awen and Kasha Rokshana explored sacred sexuality on all of these grounds from the feminine experience.

We shared about:

- our own personal journeys and process of being in sacred sexuality healing and expression individually, with mates, and with the Divine

- how to identify, heal, and feel parts of you and their experience of sexuality and expression of it

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we played 432HZ quartz crystal bowls for energy clearing and create a bridge to your inner feminine (represented as a part of you or soul aspect) in her 'private chamber' so that you can feel, sense, and be with her desires and any pains she has about sacred sexuality expression and experiences. You will also tune into if there is a protective masculine standing guard in front of her chamber.

We also open up a bridge to invite your inner feminine to Divine Mother’s sacred garden space with a healing pool, to receive higher dimensional energies of activation, healing, and support to open up your sexuality channels. You may see/feel your counterpart/sacred union mate as well in this space.

Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary hold a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration, offering inspiring transmissions of love and light. We also repeated affirmations as a group that provide a new coding of sacred sexuality experience within you.

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Inner sacred union is the ongoing healing and clearing of polarized and toxic relationships within you between masculine aspects and feminine aspects. This allows for deepenings and openings in the experience of inner sacred union, unplugging from parental relationship templates/previous relationship partner dynamics and Matrix relational programming that may have been internalized. This inner sacred union healing ground then draws (and allows for transaction within) a nourishing sacred union with a beloved mate on the outside.

In this two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, April 7th at 5:00pm -7:00pm WEST (Lisbon, Portugal/UK); 12:00pm EDT (New York)....Divine Self Embodiment Teachers/Facilitators/Sacred Union Mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen offer an exploration into inner sacred union.

During this call, we will share about:

- our own personal journeys and process of healing and opening out our inner sacred union expressions both together as a couple and individually.

- We also offer how the Divine Self Embodiment healing process of conscious access to parts of yourself and other lifetime aspects/soul dynamics allows for a deeper embodiment of your inner sacred union as it allows a bridge to your inner masculines parts such as Inner Protector, Gatekeeper and Inner Punisher…and your inner feminine parts (younger such as Inner Child/Teenager to Inner Mother/Crone) as well.


In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we will play our 432HZ quartz crystal bowls and create a bridge to your inner masculine as he wants to show up in the moment and your inner feminine as well. We invite them to attend a 'dance ball' and to dance together in the moment if they are ready. During this dance, we open up connection between them and also reveal places that feel stuck or conflictual between them.

Divine guides and sacred union mates Yeshua and Mary Magdalene join us to hold a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration and offer inspiring transmissions of sacred union love.

Raphael will channel from his sacred masculine mate heart and Jelelle from her sacred feminine mate heart any messages/guidance/codes of support that flow through them for you. We also repeat affirmations/recodings as a group that provide a new coding of inner sacred union experience within you and with your mate.

Other group call descriptions and to purchase coming soon.....

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